Unique opportunity for local businesses to advertise
Search Big Daddy is offering the most unique opportunity for local businesses to advertise to their local community and the world at large at the same time.
The City Keyword Manager's portal will be the "center piece" where local residents will be able to find out about their city and get THE BEST discounts from local merchants. It will also be the place where local businesses will be able to buy keywords and advertise in a variety of ways to their LOCAL customers and the world.
Here is a summary of some of the ways they will be able to advertise:
1. The new PPC Exchange Engine will play a key role in giving businesses a chance to reward customer loyalty for FREE.
Local coupon "type" books, "cent's off" coupons and flier distribution in newspapers, card decks and Valupak type advertising cost businesses lots of REAL money to participate in. Many don't for just that reason.
But City Keyword Managers will be able to offer local businesses the opportunity to receive PPC credits from local residents in exchange for discount coupons they can print out and redeem at that business. The cost: FREE! The business just needs to sign up with the City Keyword Manager and then establish how many PPC credits they want in return for the discount coupon they are offering.
The business can then use those PPC credits to purchase TOP Positions and to bid on keyword placement in SearchBigDaddy.com (more free advertising dollars to the business.) And residents get the coupons that can be redeemed at that business.
Local residents can ONLY get these coupons by using the City Keyword Managers Portal, so the portal will become a place that MANY local residents will flock to in order to get the discounts.
2. Businesses can advertise on a cloud page that will actually be pulled into the city portal by using an IFRAME at the top, just like the SearchBigDaddy.com search engine does for TOP Positions now.
This area will be where local residents can find the "BEST" establishments in their city, eg. Chicago's "Best Pizza", Los Angeles' "Best Hair Solon" or London's "Best Fish & Chips". It will also be the FIRST thing they see when they visit the City Keyword Managers Portal.
3. TOP Positions on your local search portal will be PAID positions. That is, IFRAMES on your City Portal search engine results pages will cost local businesses real money, not PPC.
4. Skyscrapers on your local portal will also be sold for cash.
5. Other unique advertising opportunity will be made available as well.
6. On a LARGER scale, local businesses can also buy keywords in the blog community to get worldwide coverage AND link popularity for their web sites.
Remember, BlogLanding.com is NOT the ONLY property that their links will appear in. They will also be in the NEW SearchBigDaddy Article Directory, the NEW Feed Reader and on other properties that are not owned by Search Big Daddy but that partner with us and allow our contextual keywords to rotate on their sites.
So you see... the possibilities are really endless and your Portal will become a hub of activity for your city very quickly.
SearchBigDaddy The Only Search Engine That PAYS YOU
To Search and Advertise Your Business!
The Biggest Thing On The Net Since Google!