Sunday, May 06, 2007



I would like to introduce you to a very exciting program I came across only a couple of days ago. And since I received it from several of my friends I thought I would check it out.
Once I had studied it I joined and NOW I am very excited about the program because it seems like these guys knows what they are doing.
Please spend 5 minutes of your time and check out below why I am so excited about this.
Here is the copy of their introduction letter.
Your friend,


Welcome to Team6K4you Downline Builder

Team6K4you Downline Builder has been specifically designed as a very SIMPLE and POWERFUL way of helping YOU and other people around the world in getting YOUR hands on a WHOPPING $6,000 OVER and OVER... by "Feeding" or "Grandfathering" you into our main program at a ONE TIME LOW COST of JUST $6.50 per membership.
Plus, you can receive a completely FREE vacation...
7 Nights from a choice of over 1500 luxury resorts!
There are 4 parts to the Team6k4you Downline Builder:
Read on or go to our site and read all about Part 1 to 4

In our Main Feeder we all work as a team and therefore we do not use personal referral links. This is ONE LINK FOR ALL and all new joining members are placed in our feeder system in the order they sign up. We systematically fill up one level from left to right at a time in a 2x matrix and everyone cycles in turn as we fill each level.
Once you have 30 new members beneath you, you automatically cycle and you proceed to Part 2 which is 6K4you. You also receive a new Free entry back into our Main Feeder when you cycle.
You can purchase multiple memberships at $6.50 each if you wish and remember each membership is worth $6,000 (Part 4) to you as you start to cycle in Club Freedom. Part 4 is explained in more detail further down on this page.
You only need to refer people to our Team6K4you team site at and you will be helping other members to build their downline just as they will be helping YOU to build YOUR downline. The same applies to our Turbo Feeder below.

Team6K4you Turbo Feeder:

As the name suggests, this is our "Main Feeder on steriods". In our Turbo Feeder you only need 2 members beneath you in order to cycle and proceed to Part 2. Plus you receive 2 new entries into our Main Feeder in the first available spot. The Turbo Feeder memberships costs $50 and multiple memberships are available. However, you are required to have entered our Main Feeder before purchasing Turbo Memberships.
The advantage of the Turbo Feeder is that is helps feed our Main Feeder due to the qualification requirements. Requirements in order to purchase a Turbo membership is that you need 2 memberships in our Main Feeder per Turbo membership you wish to purchase. Another advantage, is that Turbo memberships cycles and proceeds to Part 2 much faster.

REMEMBER: You only need to enter our Team6K4you Downline Builder and you are "Grandfathered" on to Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 at NO COST TO YOU!
We pay your way, all the way... And everybody gets qualified as our system grows. That means everybody gets PAID MEMBERS in their downlines as they progress through Part 1, 2, 3 and 4.
So why waste any more time,

Thank you for your time.

Best regards from the
Team6K4you Downline Builder

Saturday, May 05, 2007

MY POWER MALL - Make a Huge Difference

Dear Friend,

With 3 winners of the MY POWER MALL Super Contest in my downline, 90 new corporate signups will be added to my organization, taking it to the next level!

I hope this will inspire you to join me NOW and start giving away FREE shopping malls to your family, friends and associates.

This GREAT online-shopping income opportunity is spreading like Wildfire in 80 countries and still counting! There is lots of money to be made here for private persons, businesses, non-profit organizations, churches and charity fundraisors.

Make a Huge Difference and Change The World! Listen to this recording:

Join my international team of friendly hardworking, experienced and helpful networkers in taking MY POWER MALL around the world.

I’m not going to take time to explain it because MY POWER MALL has created some powerful movies and a great website that will do just that. I will tell you it is totally new, totally FREE, very simple, and can be done in conjunction with anything else you are doing right now to generate financial freedom. You could easily be making $4 - 6000 a month, but your income potential is unlimited.

Interested? Click Here Now.



PS - A good strategy is to sign up FREE and put all your family members on your first level and then help each one of them build at least 10 wide. Go ahead and sign up each of your children, no matter how young they are, and then commit to putting people under each of them establishing your child’s financial freedom before they’re even old enough to know what it is! Click Here Now.