Thursday, February 10, 2005

Zorro, the amazing story of a Top Little Dog

Hi There,

This is a repub of a short story I did on a remarkable little dog. Check it out. You'll love it.

One a Sunday afternoon, after working on my business, Zeliha and I, went to a park near our home to catch some fresh air.

Soon we were standing at the banks of a wild pond admiring the beauty of the wetlands, when something like a tennis ball came bouncing in our direction, with a little white dog in immediate pursuit. As the ball landed into the water the speeding dog barely managed to stop himself right on the edge of the pond. He’s got fantastic breaks! I exclaimed to an approaching couple,
obviously his owners.

Come on, Zorro! Get your ball, the woman started encouraging the dog. For a brief moment the animal stood there indecisively, wondering what to do. Then he quickly started to explore the
water edge looking for a suitable spot to enter and get his ball back. The banks were very steep and the water was freezing cold as Zorro soon found out. The pond wasn’t going to make this easy on him.

Zorro, they don’t call him that for nothing, had his mind set on one thing only: getting back his ball. He sure as hell hated the cold water, but that was not going to set him off. Giving in to defeat was not his thing. He kept running around the pond, occasionally entering the water, only to sink almost nose deep and having to pull himself up again to save his but.

In the meantime more spectators had been drawn to the scene, cheering the little dog. Zorro didn’t allow himself to get distracted in any way. He was still running around, considering
all his options. He was determined to get his ball back, but he wasn’t planning to drown in the process. The ball was lying there between the water plants, approximately 4 feet from the side,
teasing the life blood out of him.

Then finally Zorro seemed to have his mind made up. Right in front of me, at the nearest distance to the ball, he catapulted his little body straight into the cold water and almost immediately took a hold of the ball. The crowd went downright crazy cheering him.
The way back to the side however was blocked by dead vegetation. Soon Zorro was swimming for his life, sneezing and groaning, but still holding on to his ball.

Just when things started to look real bad for our little friend, a helping hand with a long stick moved the the blocking material out of the way. Zorro finally made it to dry ground and started shaking his body. I imagined his satisfaction must have fit a elephant bull.

What a lesson I got from this Top little dog! I mean, think of it. Do we see a parallel here? If I had some of his drive and determination, what would I be making out of my business and even
out of my life? Thanks Zorro, for setting such a great example. I will hang on to my goals, stay focussed and never give up.

Over and out


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